Join our circle of influence and
Get on Board!
HEART Inclusive Arts Community is seeking to add to its volunteer Board of Directors and is opening its search to interested candidates from the whole of our Lowcountry community.
Those serving on the Board of Directors, above all else, should have a strong desire to aid and uplift HEART’s mission of providing arts access and mentorships to adults with disabilities. Direct giving of monetary contributions is not a requirement. Directors should be committed to offering their time, energy, talent, and skills to ensure the overall wellbeing of HEART’s ongoing programming. This includes: safeguarding and inspecting the financial health of the organization; creating connections and fostering relationships between HEART and members of the community, potential donors, and volunteers; promoting, attending and/or volunteering for productions and events; and, generally drumming up excitement for all the goings-on from the HEART Studio.
A Director is expected to serve a term of two years and may choose to serve up to three consecutive terms. Meetings of the Board are held quarterly.
There is no greater asset to the success of an organization than diversity of thought, ideas, experience, and backgrounds within its leadership. Therefore it is critical that HEART Inclusive Arts Community elect Directors from the widest array of interested candidates possible, beginning with an open and public call to any member of the community interested in sharing their time with HEART. “Inclusive” is part of our name for a reason, and we welcome all applicants of any identity - ability, gender, race, age, culture, and more. Nominations and elections will be made in consideration of the applications or survey responses received from the community.
Sloan Todd (Chair)
Executive Director | Pathfinders, LLC
Virginia Swift (Secretary)
Manager of Programs | Preservation Society of Charleston
Julius H. “Sam” Hines, Esq.
HEART Parent
Partner | Hines & Gilsenan LLC
Rae Weekes
Artistic Director | HEART Inclusive Arts Community
Beth Wolf, M.D.
Medical Director, HIM | Roper St. Francis
3M Physician Consultant
Paula Yorke
Real Estate Broker, Realtor of Distinction | William Means Real Estate, Christie's International
Adam Jordan, Ph. D
Associate Professor, Associate Department Chair, and Director of Undergraduate and Certificate Special Education Programs | Department of Teacher Education, College of Charleston