So Long, Summer!

HEART brought the heat this summer, that is for sure.

It was nonstop and we kind of still can’t believe how much we got up to. Take a look for yourself!

Performing at The Honors night for the Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce

OtherBrother Fest benefitting Warrior Surf and HEART!


You may recognize these friendly faces as the expert spirit-makers from Beyond Distilling Co. Seen here happily purchasing some killer artwork to adorn their new location.

Public Works Art Center Block Party!

Turning the Big One-OH!

Beaches. Pools. Obvi…

Rehearse! Rehearse! Rehearse!

We are extremely lucky to have so many helpful resources just a hop. skip. and jump away from our Studio. We could not bring life to our shows, or our shows to the stage, without the caring kindness of our friend Hannah Miller from the City of Goose Creek Therapeutic Recreation Department. We got the run of the Rec Center as we prepared for our original musical, MonoMyth!

Fun Fact: Hannah was just awarded Employee of the Year by the City of Goose Creek. A clear choice, we think. Congratulations, Hannah!

To the Great Unknown

The Park Circle Gallery selected HEART to be the sole exhibition in its space throughout August this year. The tactile and interactive work was created both collaboratively and individually by the HEARTists. Viewers were invited to happily raise a toast to those big unknowns in life. We can’t possibly map the ocean, or know the whole galaxy. We can’t even know what life has in store for us in this next minute. But, isn’t that what keeps us going?

View all of the pieces by clicking below.

Disability Pride

For the past 4 years, HEART has been organizing Disability Pride events and celebrations all over the Lowcountry - along with all our friends in the community. July 2024 was BUSY in the best way possible!

Empowerment Through Employment Celebration with Be the Change Charleston at Beyond Distilling Co.

Mix and Mingle with music by the Amazing Mittens at City Lights Eastside

Cult Classic wrestling show by Cult Inclusive Wrestling benefitting HEART for Disability Pride

Seriously… it is impossible to have more fun than this!

Professional photography by Samuel Vogel

Disability Pride Finale Celebration

It might have been a little rainy, but that didn’t dampen our PRIDE! All we need for a good time is great people, the Porter Room, and lots of Disability Pride.

Professional photography by Samuel Vogel

Photographer Samuel Vogel in action.

Fate and great timing led us to meet the wonderfully talented Samuel Vogel. A professional photographer newly moved to Charleston, it was our honor to have Samuel photograph the Cult Classic and Finale Celebration events for us.

Follow Samuel on Instagram!

Start Spreadin’ The News!

Disability Pride has been a part of the Disability community in the U.S. since 1990. Yeah! That’s a long time… Since our first celebration in the Lowcountry in 2021, we’ve seen the awareness and excitement around Disability Pride fomenting and spreading amongst our fellow Charlestonians. Now, the idea that celebrating the Disabled Identity is a great thing has really taken hold of the zeitgeist.

Check out some of many news appearances from this summer’s celebrations. Click the pics for video.

The Creative Misfits Are Coming!

Creative Misfits 2023 is almost here!

While you wait for the Virtual Art Auction to open on Cyber Monday,

get to know the artists behind the work.

All of their pieces will be revealed when the Virtual Art Auction opens online this Monday, November 27th at 12 pm noon EST. And, don’t forget:

Artwork makes the best gifts!

Each year, Creative Misfits just keeps getting bigger and artsier. This year boasts over 50 pieces that you can bid to win. Always remember, your bids support the inclusive arts and the ongoing arts programming for adults with disabilities who create together at the HEART Studio! It’s an all around WIN for everyone!

Close down the auction by bringing down the house! Join us for an MTV music video-worthy rock concert performed by the HEARTists live at one of Charleston’s best music venues - the Charleston Pour House. View the Art Auction items in-person and the newest exhibition from the HEARTists!

Creative Misfits is made possible by the care and support of our Sponsors!





HEART's Big Move!

We’re movin’ out!

The last five years, we’ve built our home at the Rutledge Ave. Studio, made tons of great memories, many messes. And of course, so, so much ART!

But, it’s time for us to close the door on this chapter of HEART’s journey. Our last program day inside these walls will be next Thursday, September 28th. By then, the studio should just be a mostly empty room that we’ll fill with a celebratory farewell dance party!

So, where are we going?

Great question, we would love to tell you!

For now, we’re borrowing classrooms in the Goose Creek Community Center. We’re so grateful for our friends in the Goose Creek Therapeutic Rec. Dept. for giving us a place to land while we’re between Studios.

After that, we’re not sure yet. We’ve got several possibilities that are moving forward. No matter what, we’re very excited about the opportunities this will bring for our HEARTists and for our community.

We have a lot of big plans in the works. So, please stay tuned! We can’t wait to tell you all about it.

How Can You Help?

Another great question. Man, you’re great at this!


We’re calling “All Hands On Deck!” for packing and moving assistance. If you want to lend a hand and pack a few boxes for us, you can sign up here.

Boxes, Boxes, Boxes

You can help us by bringing sturdy boxes or plastic tote bins to store all of our stuff. It all has to go somewhere, but it can’t get there without a container. Try asking your local liquor store, grocery store, or big box chain for their leftover boxes!


Not much of a lifter or mover? No sweat! You can still help us in major ways by helping cover our moving costs. We’ve got PODs units, off-site storage, temporary rent, build out costs, new supply and furniture needs to look forward to. You’ll be a big part of taking care of us by giving what you can!

Shop our Studio Sale!

All that stuff that cannot go with us could go home with you! We’ve got lamps, dressers, side tables, sundries. The cool thing about an art studio is that it gets a bunch of random cool stuff. And it could be yours! Come by Saturday and see what you like.