Creative Misfits
Art Auction, Gallery Premiere, and live rock show!
What is a Creative Misfit? It’s an endearing term we have adopted for ourselves as members of the HEART family. We come from all walks of life and we certainly don’t mind standing out. We might not have perfectly “fit in” elsewhere, but we’ve created a space to call our own that is full of love, acceptance and creative collaborations. We are each unique and perfectly beautiful in our own way - we prosper in our imperfections. And when we come together, we make art that perfectly fits us! We are the Creative Misfits.
Virtual Art Auction
November 28th - December 5th
In celebration of our gallery premiere, and for the benefit of our continuing arts-based programming, HEART is hosting a virtual art auction featuring the works of our HEARTists and our artist friends, both local and from all across the map.
Register now for free! Bidding is open all weekend long!
Join us for a full throttle live rock concert performed by the HEARTists. We want to rock and roll all night, and hope you’ll come party with us, too!
Be there for the show at the raddest rock venue in town - The Pour House. We’ll also have all of the auction artwork and the Creative Misfits Gallery on display. You can keep the bidding going online throughout the show, and take your winning bids home right then and there.
Get your tickets at the door: $20
Be prepared to rock your socks off!
Virtual Gallery
We’ll be premiering the 2021 Creative Misfits gallery exhibit online before showing our pieces live and in living color at our closing event on December 5th at The Pour House.
Until then, virtually explore the halls of our current gallery, and check out all the artful designs in our Gallery Gift Shop.