Sponsor a HEART Original Musical

Sponsor MonoMyth
from $1,030.00

A Journey of Heroic Proportions

An all-new, original musical adventure created by and starring the HEARTists of HEART Inclusive Arts Community. You laughed along with Some Kind of Funny, and puzzled out Gumshoes: A Whodunnit?. Now, follow a Hero on an epic quest to uncover more than just his lost memories.

HEART’s original musical productions are created, written, and produced by the HEARTists, starring the HEARTists. From beginning to end, each musical is tailored to the unique skills and tastes of everyone at the HEART Studio.

We start with the question, “What kind of show do we want to see on stage?” and then we craft that show from the page up. Productions are supported by professional technicians, musicians, artists, and other creators. And we are proud to once again be performing on the iconic, historic boards of the Charleston Music Hall. All to present the highest caliber of production and promote the artistic growth of all the actors of the HEART Studio.

Past Productions