Thomas Humanitzki

Typhoon, 2023

Colored pencil, watercolor and ink on paper

11” x 14” & 11” x 14”


Audio Version of Image Description:

Two pages of comics. Page one: Panel 1. A blonde girl holds a blue book. It reads “Lan’ta likes to read”. Panel 2. A hero character with a yellow mask on a blue background, a split panel shows him spinning into a grey cyclone shape. It reads “Typhoon likes to spin”. Panel 3. Lan’ta and Typhoon share the panel with a red heart between them. It reads “Typhoon and Lan’ta are in love”. Panel 4. A character with a grey hat and costume. It reads “Mora wants to take over Atlantis”. Panel 5. Mora and a floating red tentacled creature. It reads “And so she creates a monster”. Panel 6. This panel stretches the length of the bottom of the page. In the center is a high rise building colored yellow gold. The monster approaches the building. It reads “The monster attacks Atlantis”.

Page 2: Panel 1. Lan’ta stands with Typhoon, who is now holding a shield and sword. It reads “Lan’ta sends Typhoon to defeat the monster. Lan’ta says “Please Typhoon. Save Atlantis”. Typhoon says “You can count on me”. Panel 2. Typhoon with the monster. It reads “And so Typhoon fights the monster”. Panel 3. A grey bubble comes from the monster toward Typhoon. It reads “The monster attacks”. Panel 4. The grey cyclone shape is beside the monster. It reads “Typhoon counter attacks”. Panel 5. The monster has X marks over its eyes. It reads “The monster is defeated”. Panel 6. This panel spans the bottom of the page and is split diagonally in two. It reads “After Typhoon defeats the monster”. Mora is in the top diagonal, and she says “Curse you Typhoon”. Lan’ta and Typhoon are in the bottom diagonal and says “Thank you Typhoon”.